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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

New Scholastic Chess Column Online at ChessCafe

My latest Scholastic Chess column at ChessCafe is now online. It is entitled "2007 Spring Championships, Part Two."

The primary focus is on Brooklyn's Intermediate School 318, which came away with multiple local and national championships this year, and on Anna Ginzburg of New York's famous Stuyvesant High School. Guess where she went to middle school? That's right - I.S. 318.

In addition, one of my book reviews appears this week at ChessCafe. Bruce Pandolfini authored a little book entitled Pandolfini's Chess Challenges: 111 Winning Endgames. Here is the opening of my review:

"What’s 4”x6”? An index card? A postcard? In this case, it’s Bruce Pandolfini’s latest book. The back cover states, “Here are 111 quirky, surprising, and fun tactical chess problems to improve anyone’s game.” Indeed the shape of the book itself is quirky, surprising and fun."

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